The mind



The mind is a functional term without so far clearly identified obligatory associated anatomical entities, thus escaping a simple convenient definition. Salomonically it could be understood as the sum of all its possible manifestation.




  A specific active state of the mind is probably best characterized as a distinct activation pattern of the neural network, subject to changes from moment to moment. Distinct states of activation may not only differ in regard of the subject focused upon, but also in regard to the self and to consciousness itself as well.

"What we are at a given moment," is defined by the neural activation pattern of the mind at that time. "What we are connecting several moments together," requires separate evaluations in regard of every category of events, a process obviously neither objective nor entirely subjective in its very basic nature. "What we are" can therefore only be asked in a well specified and thoughtfully worked out context, requesting to take fully in account the established knowledge in regard of the mind.





The state of consciousness allows self-recognition, to reason and to act. It is further characterized by the abilities to focus on one item per time, to allow in depth evaluation at remarkable speed, and to control mainly automated activities. Such a condition corresponds e.g. to driving a car while thinking on a task ahead.

Consciousness contrasts with unconsciousness characterized as being only limited accessible to the self, with ordinary sleep, and with unconsciousness resulting from trauma or disease.





The configuration of the mind, can be attributed to genetic influences and acquired knowledge. Both processes exert life-long influence on its shaping, the later open to influence by the will.

The resulting mix of this two processes may occasionally produce very astonishing effects: The way a person speaks may suggest "high personal styling " and the expressed ideas e.g. relating to cultural heritage as “being deeply genetically imbedded.” Knowing the person as a second generation immigrant and knowing some of his/her relatives living since generations far away allows to assume that the “cultural heritage” is very unlikely genetic in nature, whereas “the way to speak” may eventually be.

Tasks and functions of the brain can be allocated either to the right side or to the left side of the brain, the motor center of speech e.g. being mostly located in the left frontal part. The learning-pattern differs between children and adults. Many states of imbalances of the mind can be overcome by carefully drafted exercises.